Sep 13 - 16 2022 | Rome, Italy

Geosense is a reputable independent geological remote sensing consultancy that has gained global recognition for its top-quality remote sensing services. Over the last 30 year we have built up a unique experience in the use of satellite, airborne and ground based remote sensing technology and interpretations for the mining and mineral exploration business.

Our services include:
– Spectral analysis, Alteration Mapping and Target Generation. Specialists in Epithermal, Mesothermal, Porphyry, IOCG and Lateritic mineralization
– Geological Mapping, focused on Structure and Stratigraphy
– Hyperspectral analysis
– Fieldwork: spectroscopic ground-truthing and alteration mapping
– Structural analysis and terrain analysis
– Spectroscopic core-logging
– Processing of optical imagery such as Landsat, Aster, Sentinel-2, Ikonos, Quickbird, GeoEye and WorldView-3
– Custom made Colour Composites, Ortho-images, Digital Elevation Models, topographic basemaps etc.
– Environmental mapping and vegetation monitoring
– Environmental monitoring of mining projects
